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(1 edit) (+1)

If there is an online feature, maybe you can add a feature where you can change the clothing of the character but not like clown outfits or anything but just military stuff like shirts, boots, armor, and more. It would be cool to also customize the guns with red dots or something like that. Thanks for the game! It is really fun to play and there was zero regrets playing it!


enter the official discord of the game, your suggestions will be read there, I can communicate with Nexon if you want, about your ideas


Sadly I do not have discord and I really wasn't gonna use it because I am going into highschool but yeah you can tell Nexon! I don't mind at all! :)

you should add a feature where when the player throws the mag its an actual mag that drops and has physics like COD:MW thatd be pretty cool and love the gun sway its nice


i think i found a bug:

when my hp is low i fall but i cant sand up 

Death is not fully implemented yet so that's just you dying.

Same here.

is multiplayer out yet?

no, join the discord on UZG 2's page to receive updates.

ok man

When is UZG 2 coming out?


there is no date yet, enter the discord to review

I like this game, but it would be much better if you added in a damage indicator and make it where it auto-reloads your gun when your out of ammo. I'm no coder, but I don't think thats very hard to add...

  Yaaay, i am getting 140+ FPS in my 8GB RAM PC and also the graphics are amazing and good! Recommended ! Good luck!

thanks :)

I play with 60 FPS and it stays there xd

Hey, is this endless?


(1 edit)

ok, i will get it

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Nexon, I made this home screen for the game, it is quite simple the truth but I think it is beautiful, here I show you. then I update it, I think I will put white silhouettes of zombies.

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Your menus look pretty cool :) Do you have a discord? I'm getting ready to do some multiplayer testing

Of course I have Discord, I was going to ask you, there is something I want to tell you and that is that I am from Argentina and I do not speak English, I am using a translator now, but I would like to help you. Also, I have some ideas that I think might work in the game



Thanks bro


I made this menu for the UZG start of the game, I base myself little on COD, the background image can be whatever you want, the map you choose is shown in the small box on the right and well, on the left are the options, start game, settings, maps and achievements. by the way, I think that in configuration you should add the change of controls, so that some change the controls so that they can be more comfortable to your liking


Looks good

Nexon, I'm working on a cover for the game menu, do you want to see it later? the truth is that it is something simple but I think it is good

(1 edit)

Sure! Sounds great.

Deleted 3 years ago

i have a map reccomendation you probably have to zoom in to see it better but i would like to work with you but you probably work alone so just think about it , i would not be paid


hello i love this game sooooo  much, im not allowed to play COD so i can play this just 1 reccomendation to add better sights to scoped guns


Nexon remember me? anyways umm the Multiplayer not working and i think house spawns are broken

Multiplayer isnt added yet, and thanks for the bug report

ohh i didn't now and you're welcome

Hello Nexon, I present my idea for a map, it is the entrance to the sewers, notice that it is only a part of the map. the red lines are where the zombies come out and the purple lines are doors that open with dots. the circles are plastic barrels, there are some thick, thin and fine lines, each one to differentiate height and size. the blue is water, can you make dirty water? Then I show you the other part of the map, the part inside the sewers.

Here is the other part of the map that I just showed, this would be inside the sewer, as I said before, the blue is the water, the red lines are where zombies come out and the purple lines are doors that open with dots. the circle that is shown at the end of the place, is a staircase that leads to the lower part of the sewer, soon I show that part. by the way, the brown part is a kind of little wooden bridge. another thing, could you add 2 corpses inside the sewer? but they are in different places.

keep it up! looks good :)

Thank you very much, I have finished the last part of the map, this is the underground part. As I said before, the celestial is water, there is no where the zombies come out, because for the zombies to come out they must follow you down there, there is a small button that will open some floodgates that will make a small wave of water come out that will drag the zombies, but it can only be used once every 2 rounds, in addition to that so that the wave does not drag you, you must stand behind the walls. by the way, do you think you make the place dirty? to make it like a sewer.

hello your game is great but if you can can you put sliding in the game

i played the new version and i witness a bug that on demo level map when i jump i just fly pls fix it and can you make the game in steam

(1 edit)

it costs money to put it on steam. and thanks for the bug report


Cool Updates but you can´t aim with the dragunov... maybe a bug?

also im so excited to see the flamethrower!!

my only comment would be that there should be an unstuck button

How do I get the new map?

The new map is here, well it depends, do you have it downloaded or do you play in the browser? I play in browser and I have the new map

Hi sorry. I just updated the downloadable version :)


I would like to ask you a question, Nexon, can you mold the body of zombies? I mean to make them bigger or something like that, if you answer 'yes', I have some ideas for special zombies but I haven't drawn them yet

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I can modify the zombies model but that might be difficult. I might add these as bosses at some point

sure if it will be difficult, my idea is that the special zombies is that they appear only every 10 rounds, depending on the type of special zombie. by the way, I already have a map in mind, I could show it to you soon, it still needs to be finished.

So for some reason the only file in the downloads is from 48 days ago and says "(not updated yet)". Am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks again!!


You were in the right place, I just haven't updated at that time. I just updated now though :)

You're the bomb, thanks so much :) Just spent waaaay too much time playing hahaha.

I did notice that the sights on the EBR, Barret, and Dragunov all seem broken. Still fun to use, though.

Any chance we could get an FOV slider in the future?

I love the new map, damn it is very accomplished, I just managed to reach round 10, you have done a good job with the map, it is very different from 'Demo Level' and 'Docks', it is practically very difficult to overcome.

I have a suggestion, I think it would be better to remove the bar to run, since when you run it wears out and takes time to load, which is a disadvantage, it would be better to be able to run for a short period of time, without having to wait for it to load. bar, just like the same COD

W o w. This game is great. I love it. Does it have multiplayer

No. But development of a multiplayer version has started.

can't wait for it!


Thank you very much for taking my ideas into account and again thank you for having mentioned me


I love the map, it is perfect for survival, plus each action can have consequences, for example; choosing the wrong weapon can cost too much, you have to depend a lot on luck in the box and the correct use of grenades, what I liked was 0 gravity, it can be used as a convenience sometime

Thanks a bunch for the feedback and the layout! If you ever have any more ideas feel free to post them again :)

maybe you have some ideas in mind, actually draw a new design for injections / PERCK


This is by far my favorite game on! Thank you so much for all the work you've done on it! Is there any way you could upload a downloadable version of the last release so we can play offline?


yeah gimme a few seconds

I just made a plan of a map, as if to give you an idea, it is a two-story house with a pool in the backyard, the red lines are where the zombies come out, in the pool there is no water, on the second floor is the mystery box.

hey! That idea is actually really cool! This will definitely be the next map once I finish the docks map

really? that's fantastic, I'll be waiting for future updates. Do you think you can add the Raygun and remove the Minigun? let's say it would be better, but make it only get in mystery box


I would like to ask a question, is there a possibility that you do the multiplayer version separately?

If i ever start it will have to be a separate version.  The current project's code will not translate well.

It is understandable, if one day you do it in multiplayer, I would be happy to try it and see how it is, since this game is great and I am sure it will have a future

I really like the new map! Good job!

There is something that would suit this game very well, the Raygun integration would be perfect, another thing that would be nice would be the integration option of a Peck capable of increasing the player's movement speed, this should cost 2000P

Is they're going to be a update for co-op/online so we can play with other people?

Not in this. If I ever want to add multiplayer I need to re-make the game from scratch.  If this game gets enough plays/downloads I'll consider creating a multiplayer version.

Ok great because me and my brothers love this game

en juego me gustaria ver como actualizas este juego ya que es un juego entretenido y muy bueno la recargas de armas los modelos como dispara el armaaunque si falta mejoras una actualizacion del mapa tal vez poner un mini mapa arriba en la esquina y una tienda y ganar tal vez monedas del juego para comprar cosas en la tienda miras skins para las armas y tambien skins de personajes y tambien que pongas sonido en la armas que si se escuche que estas recargando y tal vez una mejora en las texturas no hay problema en las texturas low poly me gustan y aqui mi pequeña opinion y mejoras para el juego si quieres mi calificacion a este juego es un 8.7 es adictivo y muy genial por la experiencia de cod zombies

(1 edit)

pienso lo mismo, es un juego entretenido y creo que deberían agregar más mapas, algo que estaría bueno sería un menú y poder configurar el juego como más te guste, tal como si fuera un black ops o algo así


Im stuck on the game console im just really confused how  to use it please help thanks!

You just have to press the "]" key to exit and enter the console 

Deleted post

very fun game! love it so far!

the game is vary cool but its vary lagy the fps gose from 20 to 200 in one sec [lots of fps drob] <3

Web version or standalone?


how do i change the sensitivity

Just press P for pause

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